Why I haven’t been posting much

Many reasons, some prosaic, some bloggable…

  • I did the copyediting comments for the Crowley historical book recently. More on that in a subsequent post.
  • A bunch of rush referee reports and examiners reports. Not bloggable for obvious reasons.
  • I’m doing work stuff — hunter-gatherer grant and fun stuff, and the Pama-Nyungan grant is ticking along nicely. Updates for that are on the to-do list.
  • Tanya Mathews and I set up an ethics blog for the LSA’s ethics committee. Don’t forget to tell us about your ethics questions!
  • Much of the idle time I used to spent reading blogs and drafting posts I now spend on facebook, which is a rather different entity (although I did set up a page for the Pama-Nyungan grant).

13 responses to “Why I haven’t been posting much

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